About the HEY LSIP

The Hull & East Yorkshire Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) sets out to place employers at the heart of the local skills system, to ensure that our current and future workforce are equipped with the skills and attributes that meet the needs of employers and the local area.

The Hull & East Yorkshire LSIP is one of 38 LSIPs, 32 of which are led by Chambers of Commerce.

Through this we aim to:

  • Be responsive to the needs of employers;
  • Breakdown barriers in accessing provision;
  • Develop and enhance skills amongst our existing workforce;
  • Develop careers guidance that is in-line with local opportunities;
  • Enable employers to directly influence provision;
  • Enhance knowledge of provision available to employers;
  • Ensure collaborative working between employers, providers, colleges and key stakeholders for the benefit of the Hull & East Yorkshire region;
  • Ensure the workforce of the future are equipped with the skills necessary to meet employer needs;
  • Ensuring job opportunities within new developments go to local people;
  • Increase uptake on to technical education courses, such as Apprenticeships and T-Levels;
  • Listen to the employer voice, and as a result achieve greater volumes of training and increased numbers of fully competent people in the area.