Hull Supported Internships

Supported internships are structured, work-based programmes for 16 to 24-year-olds with an EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan).
Supported internships are structured, work-based programmes for 16 to 24-year-olds with an EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) who want to get into employment and are near to work ready but need more experience and support to help them achieve their goal. The core of a supported internship programme is a substantial work placement, facilitated by a job coach and tutor, with additional support from workplace mentors and managers. The aim is to gain meaningful experience of the workplace and transferable skills that can lead to sustained paid employment.
This video has been commissioned by Hull City Council’s Young People Skills and Employability team with funding from the Department for Employment’s Internships Work initiative. It gives an insight into Supported Internships and highlights the experience of local SEND young people who have accessed a supported internship and the difference this has made to their lives. Find out more here: Hull Supported Internships