Join us for our next Quarterly Forum!

Join us for our next Quarterly Forum!


This is your invitation to our next Hull & East Yorkshire LSIP Quarterly Forum, which will take place at Hull College, Wilberforce Drive, Hull on Wednesday 5th June 2024 form 1.30pm until 4.30pm

This is your invitation to our next Hull & East Yorkshire LSIP Quarterly Forum, which will take place at Hull College, Wilberforce Drive, Hull on Wednesday 5th June 2024 form 1.30pm until 4.30pm (followed by networking and refreshments). A big thank you to Hull College who are kindly hosting this event for us. 

For this Forum, we will be focusing on Themes 1 & 2 of the Local Skills Improvement Plan – Technical Skills and Educational Digital Professionals. We will be using the event to discuss:

  • Recruitment and retention within education to build capacity within the sector & how we can work collaboratively to support this agenda.
  • The digital agenda and building capacity.
  • AI and its uses within education.
  • How the Local Skills Improvement Fund is contributing to the delivery of the Local Skills Improvement Plan.

To register for the Forum, please complete our online booking form available here.

We are also pleased to say this Forum is part of Humber Business Week. For full details of all the events taking place as part of the week, please visit their website.

We will look forward to seeing you at the Forum.

If you would like to speak to the
Hull & East Yorkshire Local Skills
Improvement Plan (LSIP) team
please call or email us

Get in touch